Doris Merle Nordberg 1a 1b 2a

Birth Name Nordberg, Doris Merle 1c 1d 2b
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Residence 1949 Ferntree Gully, La Trobe, Victoria, Australia   1e
Residence 1968 Wattle Park, Victoria, Australia   1f
Death 2010-06-00 Victoria, Australia    
Event Note


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Frank Gustav Nordberg18961955-08-00
Mother Emma Amelia Cooper1894-08-111974
         Doris Merle Nordberg 2010-06-00
Charles Robert Wigley18871923
Mother Emma Amelia Cooper1894-08-111974
    Half-brother     Stanley Charles Wigley 1915 1915


Family of Edward Newton Mattison and Doris Merle Nordberg

Married Husband Edward Newton Mattison ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1944 Victoria, Australia   2c

Source References

  1. Australian Electoral Rolls, 1903-1954
      • Source text:

        Residence date: 1949
        Residence place: Ferntree Gully, La Trobe, Victoria, Australia

      • Source text:

        Residence date: 1968
        Residence place: Wattle Park, Chisholm, Victoria, Australia

      • Source text:

        Residence date: 1949
        Residence place: Ferntree Gully, La Trobe, Victoria, Australia

      • Source text:

        Residence date: 1968
        Residence place: Wattle Park, Chisholm, Victoria, Australia

      • Source text:

        Residence date: 1949
        Residence place: Ferntree Gully, La Trobe, Victoria, Australia

      • Source text:

        Residence date: 1968
        Residence place: Wattle Park, Chisholm, Victoria, Australia

  2. Victoria, Australia, Marriage Index, 1837-1950
      • Page: The Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Victoria, Australia, Marriage Records
      • Page: The Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Victoria, Australia, Marriage Records
      • Page: The Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Victoria, Australia, Marriage Records