Stacey Campbell


The backyard security camera caught one (of two) coyotes that came up the side of the house early one May morning. I saw them while I was making my morning coffee and they skedaddled as soon as I opened the door. I've frequently seen them in pairs in the neighborhood, and of course solo too.

Coyotes are extremely common throughout Los Angeles.

 Orb weaver spider   Eastern fox squirrel    Aligator lizard    Western swallowtail butterfly    Black phoebe    Desert cottontails   Desert cottontail   Northern mockingbird   Hummingbird  Hummingbird   Hermit thrush   Beagle  Desert cottontail kit  Gnat trails  Hummingbird  Fence lizard  Desert cottontails  Hummingbirds fighting  Domestic cat (Felis catus)  Hummingbirds sharing the feeder   Snakefly (1/2)   Snakefly (2/2)  Female hooded oriole  Fence lizard  Male hooded oriole  Song sparrows  Eastern fox squirrel   Male Western bluebird   Fence lizard  House finches  Cooper's hawk  Eastern fox squirrel  Fence lizards  Fence lizard  Katydid  Mantis  Female flame skimmer  Gray bird grasshopper (Schistocerca nitens)  Coyotes  Common Raven  Monarch butterfly  Raccoon